Author: Camy

Cruck and Crematorium Joint Open Day
We held an open day along with the Roucan Loch Crematorium, on Sunday, 29th March, which was also our Easter event. More …

Cruck Christmas 2014
Mulled wine and mince pies were served, and a good night was had by all. Grateful thanks to all who came along, and those who generously donated mince pies, raffle prizes, etc. More …

Torthorwald Scarecrow Day 2014
We will be entering a scarecrow, and the cottage will be open all day, with the peat fire burning.
Please come along, see all the scarecrows around the village, and call in at the cottage. More …

Cruck Easter
We held our usual open day on Easter Sunday again this year. Sadly it was probably the quietest Easter we have had for some reason. However, those that did come along enjoyed it, we are sure. There are always a lot of other things on on Easter Sunday, and we might consider holding it on More …

Cruck Christmas 2013
Bob Watson and his accordion accompanied members of the Church choir in the carol singing.
Mulled wine and mince pies were served, and there was the usual hamper raffle. More …

Cruck and Roucan Loch Open Day
Sadly, the annual Doors Open Days are not taking place this year, so we have arranged a joint open day on Sunday, 29th September, with the Roucan Loch Crematorium. We did not get as many at the Cruck, but still had a good day. Jacqui and her band supplied the music, and Linda and Allan demonstrated spinning and crook making. More …

RPOAS Visit and the Great Moss Event
In July we opened the cottage to members of the local Retired Police Officers Association, and also took part in the Great Moss Event, which was organised by the local Council.
This was to explore the history of peat cutting on the local moss, and discover how the plants and wildlife have adapted to this wetland area. More …

Easter – 2013
We had Gill and Allan along demonstarting their crafts, and music from Bob and Ian.
Numbers were down this year, but still an enjoyable day. More …

2012 Doors Open Days
The theme this year was ‘Change’.
Whilst the visitor numbers were down this year, everyone who came enjoyed it and we met some interesting people. More …